ones so big you could drive a 18 wheel through.Ah, its been a wonderful fall and soltice is coming and i charish the dark days and nights.I dont understand all the desire to light everything because its dark. its dark for a reason folks... sleep,dream, slow down.ready yourself for the coming winter and spring.
i love my new dog.she is very happy and i am glad for the switch.Right now there are more females then males here.Three goatie girls whom i adore and love and who come so fast when called.. jumping and leaping and showing just exactly how cool it is to have a body ..But i swear Sassy is gay. She has twice now been offered billy's...This one here now,Tyran is georgous..omg.And he kisses,licks,snorts..does all the things that would float my boat and her? she turns away... so...I wont force her.
life here is delicious.there are no other words and i am so grateful for my time here.
my time on the Sch. field is a time like i have never known and i find myself sobbing in bliss on the way home often.I love my dog.she is a terror on the field and even at home,no one can come in my yard unless she is locked up.She likes people.
I look forward while so enjoying exactly where i am.