Monday, January 11, 2010

anti bi otics

These babies are kicking my ass. I feel whipped after taking one.Took the second one after my morning carrot juice and a steamed yam... yum.. woke up dizzy.How does one wake up dizzy? I felt like I was in a big swirl.Had dreamed I found two coyotes on the side of Oak Tree rd and I stopped to check on them, the female was whitish,pregnant and hurt it seemed...The male came and jumped on me when I was rubbing her belly.He started chin chewing on me, not really biting but showing the same kind of submissive behavior a pup would to a older adult.He was grey and silver.People had stropped when they saw me with them and I just remember yelling that he isnt biting me, he isnt biting me... I think they were freaked out when he jumped on my back and rolled me over, it wasnt like a alpha roll, it was a play and I just ended on my back with him on my chest.I never felt threatened. Woke up at 3:30, crawled to the refrig to take probiotics, then back to bed. went to sleep to sound of coyotes then had the dream.
My family, here with me. I feel comfort from them.

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