Wednesday, May 6, 2009

mixed emotions

Lots of them.I went to the docs today about my spine and my lumbar 5 and sacrum 1 disk is gone.Blown out.WWWAAAAAAAAAA I want to crawl up in someones lap and cry.Isnt that a nnew feeling I ask and am then distracted by the injury Imagine crawling in someones lap as if that would change a damn thing...Funny how we..maybe just me... seek comfort outside of ourselves...
But yes, this is a serious injury and its changed my life.
ok.. other thing on my mind today... this idea of intimacy... and married men and casual sex and how there is this rampant reasoning that in order to have good sex one must have intimacy... or that casual sex cant be intimate...what a silly joke.I am intimate with my dogs,my favorite places of comfort,but I am not sexual with these things.critters.. so I for one what to bomb this stupid thought process.I felt intimate with my pollywog's.I cared deeply about them.What a weird world we swim through huh?
L5/S1.... hum... gotta see that healed.

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