Friday, May 28, 2010

oceans of tears cried

Since I have checked in I have been to Texas to be with Sara and grandchildren.I had so much fun with the kids and they were sad to see me go.The night before I left, I wrote small notes on about twenty pieces of paper and hid them everywhere in the house.Some to a certain person,others just saying,I love you.The kids started finding them immediately and tonight when I was on the phone with Sara,she moved the bear on her table and there it was... I love you.I wrote on their eggs.. on the bananas.I put a note in the sugar jar, in the drawer where the tooth paste goes... silly places.I am silly.
They took Sara's breast.All double DD.I can not, do not have the words to express my feelings.It will work to say my daughter is more brave then I could of ever be.When I got there she was already home and in bed,I held her and slept beside her for five days while her husband slept in the guest room.We talked at night,or I rubbed her head.We cried.We cry still.I have not said this to her but I am scared to death,scared to a place I have never known, scared like scared raw.That the results from pathology test... could be bad.The lymph node...See them clear I say.See them clear.It keeps the panic at bay,washes the panic out of my mouth.See them clear.She has suffered so much in her life with this body(see them clear) I gave her... Fuck.See them clear.

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