Saturday, March 14, 2009

wow,whew and whatever

I think the notion, the dream,fantasy or what ever.. about unconditional love is a frigging lie and I think it is passed around to grow more lies.I was talking with Itamar about this recently.He said its a lie he encounters all the time in his practice.He said its a set up to not measure up... Its odd.I have never loved anyone, thing unconditionally.Nor has it ever happened to me.I love my kids... But if they murdered some kid...I would not love them.If I killed your child, I would not expect you to love me.It is so odd how we build these things, these ideas,notions to live,love by.
Some guy I was speaking to the other day said the problem with the world is that women don't expect enough from men.I thought that a interesting view.I didn't ponder it long though...
I am pondering the green grass growing like crazy in Spenceville.The trees bursting buds and the clouds against the blue sky...Makes me crazy in love.I have been falling in love all over the place.In the least expected places.... water whispers as it travels over the rocks and if you lean in close, you can hear it giggle.I like it.a lot.

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