Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oh.. learning to listen

My back is telling me loudly today that I did too much yesterday in terms of lifting.My night sweat last night was saying I am going to bleed any time now and my grumpiness is transparent.I feel pushed against the wall with my neighbors and I know if I was a man or had one living here, what is going on would not be and I am offended by the reality of that.
I feel bullied AGAIN and I search it, like looking for a lost child,nothing is left uncovered.I look for that child inside me who was and felt unprotected,like i had to fend for myself and then was punished for standing up for myself.I have to get this lesson so I can stop the repetition of it in my life.
There is alot of pain in my right side and the fear it brings is intense.I know nothing is different today from yesterday except my whoremones(lol) so I am gong to just relax- read.
I saw a blue heron up in the very top of a oak and it was very beautiful against the sky.I hold that to my heart today.
I love my life and the fact that I have learned to embrace it and not struggle so much and know I am in touch/step with the universe.

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