Monday, June 8, 2009

rock in my soul

it has been weeks since I have learned I come not from the natives as I had previously thought... I had always thought I had been a Indian at sometime in my life.I have always been drawn to their lives, their belief systems about the sacredness of the earth.I come from the rocks.Which is why I always live around so many of them.Why I am drawn to them.
When my father came two years ago,we spoke about his father, I should of known that there was something up....My grandfather was a stone mason.My father always worked in rock.I come from the rocks.That is why I pick them up, carry them around,have them in my trucks, window sills...Longing for connection to my family.
That is why I am hard, why it is difficult for me to beat around the bush as they say.When i say something, it is like a rock through water. straight to the bottom.Not comfortable to fall against.. I am a rock, I am a island..and a rock feels no pain. and a island never cries....
I am a stoner.

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