Thursday, December 31, 2009

A new View....

I have windows.Two double pane 3' x 5' ones that slide with screens.... EEEWWWW HHHA. AND to the right of the door going out, is a 2 1/2 x 3'.They are so pretty and the porch is completely closed in, insulated- even the floor! It is so sweet.The dogs space is so nice now and Razz's crate with fern on top is beauuutiful...............
I went to doc and they want to scope me down the throat and up the butt... E gads. Also the county called and approved my medical coverage so I am a very happy camper about that part...
Spent time at hospital today with Jim... Damn it hard to watch him die....
despite all of this, the windows, the new view, the blue moon trump it all and I am a happy girl.
52 is I hope less painful then 51 was..

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